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Shona at Taystful not only makes stunningly beautiful cakes she also makes cakes which taste delicious. She always goes the extra mile with her customer service and is 100% reliable.
J Evans

Taystful Naked Cakes

Naked Cakes

Naked cakes are becoming more popular recently, partly because they offer a less sweet version of a cake (since it doesn't have the outer coating of sugarpaste), and they also offer a more rustic, boho-chic, summery or natural look.

When deciding upon whether to have a naked cake for your special day, there are certain things to take in to consideration.

1) Naked cakes, because they have no outer icing, can dry out and look 'tired' if left set up for hours on end, as compared to a fully iced cake. Therefore, precise timings of set up are required, so it fits round the order of the day at the venue. This needs to be communicated to the event organiser (if there is one). Official cake cutting photos are best done soon after the cake is delivered (for example either just before or after the meal). If the cake is to be kept for an evening buffet, it is best to have it cut in to portions, wrapped in cling film on trays, then served later.

2) They are partially prepared in the kitchen, but need to be finally assembled at the venue (ie, tiered up and and decorations such as fruits and flowers added carefully). Because of this, naked cakes must be delivered to the venue by Taystful, and not collected. A suitable area, other than the display table, to do this is an advantage.

3) Since naked cakes are slightly messier to cut (ie. the lack of outer icing means that when cutting in to it, may not be quite as neat as an iced cake) you may get less portions out of a naked cake than you would a fully iced cake.

4) Some types of fresh flowers may not be suitable for laying directly on to the cake surface, so care needs to be taken with choice. Most flowers from a florist have pesticides on them too, so cannot be touching the cake. In this case, they could be placed at the base only, or a ring of food safe PVC used to keep the flowers from touching the cake. With this in mind, fresh berries tend to be the most suitable decoration.

5) Since it is very important for us to know the final look of the cake, and to make sure the correct decorations are available on your special day, they will be arranged by Taystful and be quoted within the price of the cake. Only under certain circumstances will toppers, arrangements or floral additions be arranged separately, and if so, full communication with florist, or photos of toppers including sizes has to be submitted well in advance so we know the assembled cake meets your and our expectations.

6) Also bear in mind that if flowers are provided by florist, the cake is likely to be delivered a lot later than the florist is at the venue (see note 1), so an additional fee may be charged for Taystful to decorate the cake.

To order please complete the Naked Cake Order Form.

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